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I am a Sufi mystic and astrologer.

I believe we make heaven on earth when we begin to honor the mystery that is the miracle of existence. It is beautiful, heart-wrenching, bittersweet, glorious, and baffling at times. I want to sanctify it all. Pathways such as Sufism, mysticism, and astrology help me to do that.

My practice is informed by years of experience with one-on-one client work, holding ceremony, mentorship from elders, as well as a lifetime study of the cosmos and mysticism. I am still learning every day.

I came to this path through a physical trauma at 19 years old that cracked my world wide open, and forced me to walk in a different direction. As the Sufis say, "God breaks your heart until it stays open." I have felt that to be true for me, and I couldn't be more thankful for it. 

At 21 I was able to enter deeper into Sufism through my teacher, Banafsheh Sayyad. She passed on the ritual art of whirling and chanting, which has influenced so much of what I now offer. Omid Safi has also been a very important teacher to me, as well as countless mystics and poets. 

I also have to thank my aunt, who was my first astrology teacher, and Adam Elenbaas of nightlight astrology, who gave me the foundation to learn traditional astrology. 

Each life is holy, each story a fascinating mirror reflecting the One. I hope to honor the unique path of each soul that comes to me through this work, and help to make space for remembrance of what feels most important to your heart - whether that be love, God, acceptance, deeper understanding, fulfillment, meaning-making, or any of the many inarticulable things the soul seeks. Holding and sharing sacred space is something I'll never take for granted.

My cup overflows with gratitude.


May all who enter this space

feel a bit more of your grace

a bit more of your embrace

May all who come to this space

surrender just a little bit more

to this mystery of Life

Awaken us, just a little bit more, to your presence in all things.


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